95 Ultimate Booter By Fred Salerno NOTE: This program requires Windows 95. ---------------------- WHAT IT IS... ---------------------- This program allows you to select which way to boot up Windows 95. By default, you are brought straight into Windows, but with this utility you can choose. You have 3 options: 1 - Command Prompt Which boots up Windows 95 and goes to the C:\> prompt, not Windows itself and is an alternative to choice #4. 2 - Windows 95 GUI Which is the normal 95 boot sequence which goes into Windows. 3 - Internal Boot Menu Which is the internal Windows 95 menu (Safe mode, command prompt, Network safe mode, etc..) 4 - Previous DOS Which boots the computer with the last version of DOS installed prior to Windows 95 and a choice of config/autoexec files. This program has been tested with the "4.00.950" release which is the official release of Windows 95, currently available in stores. It works flawlessly, but as always, no guarantees are made. I may be contacted at: SALERNOF@GATE.NET ---------------------- HOW TO INSTALL ---------------------- The easiest way to install this is to unzip the archive into a temporary area. Then run the INSTALL program. Specify the Windows directory and where booter should be installed, or make a new directory. ---------------------- HOW TO RUN 95BOOTER ---------------------- Click on START -> 95 Booter -> 95 Booter ---------------------- HOW TO RETURN TO WIN95 WHILE IN PREVIOUS DOS ---------------------- If you have chosen Previous DOS and wish to return to Win95, simply go into the booter directory (wherever you installed 95booter), type 95B and press ENTER. ---------------------- IF YOU DO NOT HAVE PREVIOUS DOS FILES ---------------------- Some installations of Windows 95 do not save the previous dos information. This can still be easily done. You will need a copy of an old DOS boot disk. Any MS DOS version should work. I would suggest not using an original dos-boot disk. Use a copy of a dos-boot-disk instead. At the Windows 95 prompt (or in a window) Insert the dos-disk and type these lines: ATTRIB A:IO.SYS -S -H -R ATTRIB A:MSDOS.SYS -S -H -R COPY A:IO.SYS C:\IO.DOS COPY A:MSDOS.SYS C:\MSDOS.DOS COPY A:COMMAND.COM C:\COMMAND.DOS This allows the old-dos files to be renamed *.DOS in your root directory. From there, The MultiBooter can function flawlessly! You can do the same with PC-DOS, but the files need to be renamed. (IBMBIO.COM becomes IO.DOS and IBMCOM.COM becomes MSDOS.DOS) ---------------------- HOW TO UN-INSTALL MULTI BOOTER ---------------------- Go to the Booter Directory and re-run the INSTALL.EXE program. ---------------------- COMMAND LINE OPTIONS ---------------------- The Windows executable also features command line switches. They are as follows: DOS - Previous Dos boot PROMPT - Windows 95 Command Prompt boot MENU - Windows 95 Internal Menu GUI - Normal Win95 graphical boot-up ---------------------- THE (MORE) OPTIONS ---------------------- BootDelay is the time after "Starting..." but before it loads the config.sys For a fast boot-up, set it to 0 seconds. BootMenuTimeout is the time to wait at the internal menu before the default choice is invoked. Usually 3 seconds is enough time for you to decide. ---------------------- MULTIPLE DOS CONFIGURATIONS ---------------------- Ultimate booter supports 3 dos configurations. This allows 3 different CONFIG/AUTOEXEC files. They can be edited and changed to your taste, they are CONFIG.1, CONFIG.2 and CONFIG.3 and the same goes for the AUTOEXEC files. Most people only need 1 previous dos configuration, therefore CONFIG.1 and AUTOEXEC.1 need to be modified for whatever drivers you need (himem and cdrom). ---------------------- And, as always, I am not to be held responsible for anything that you may do wrong or can go wrong. There is no warranty for this program. You know the usual speech...